
Either will work.

When selecting songs, sometimes the way is not always clear. What do you do then?

As a worship leader, I take selecting the songs for a service very personally. It is so important that we get it right. This might be the last service for a guest. I want every service to count.

I remember one particular Sunday, I was scheduled to lead worship. I had agonized over my song selection. I had several slow tempo songs and several up-tempo songs…

But I didn’t know which way to go.

Service was literally about to start, and I was standing by the bass player, who also happened to be our youth leader.

I asked him, “what do you do when you can’t get clear direction?”

His response was frustratingly simple: Pick one.

He said, if you’ve sincerely prayed for direction, and you have two different ways with no clear direction. God will move in either one. He said he had the same experience in times past, and found that God’s Will was accomplished either way.

And so, I looked down at my list, and I picked one. I told the musicians what we were going to do, and I walked to the pulpit.

And God’s presence was incredibly real in that service!

So, seek Him with all your heart. And if you find yourself with two options and no clear direction. Pick one. Either will work.

Have you experienced this same thing? Or something similar? How did it work out for you?