Mentorship. Motivation.


Struggling financially? This story of provision could help you break through.

Struggling financially? Is giving to God a part of your “get back on track” or “get out of debt” plan? The One that gave what you have will increase your ability to give when you give of what you have.

Quick story… I was a senior in high school. I was applying to colleges and applying for scholarships. My family did not have the money to help pay for college. I did not want student debt.

I live in the Tulsa, OK area. I applied to Oklahoma University in Norman (120 miles away), was accepted, and through scholarships & grants, school was completely paid for. One last item to do was get approved to live off campus with my aunt & uncle. (I did not want to live on campus due to college culture & my addictive personality. Know thyself. 🤪)

In the meantime, a preacher came by and preached about the Law of the Harvest. God sparked faith in my heart. The preacher challenged us to give $20 to God in every service. He said if we will, God will respond to our willingness to give, and bless us.

So I committed to give.

As I was praying in that service, the Lord spoke very clearly to me. “If you make this commitment, your college will be paid for.” I accepted the word, but… I knew school was already paid for. Still I gladly committed and received the promise.

Fast forward. My request for off-campus living was denied. I ended up attending Tulsa University (private & much more expensive) and signed my name to MAJOR student loans. 😢

It was late September/early October. I received a letter regarding the Gates Millennium Scholarship program. I was selected as a recipient and would be flown to Chantilly, VA for a leadership conference!
I had applied to so many scholarships that I had forgotten about this! I didn’t even know the award amount.

In fact, it wasn’t until my first night at the Leadership Conference that I found out… The scholarship paid for everything! Anything that my other scholarships and federal grants didn’t cover, GMSP made up the difference!!! I couldn’t believe it!

Then (and honestly not until then) I remembered. The Law of the Harvest.

God knew all along. He supplied a need long before I even knew it existed. And because of my act of faith, He came through.