
You’ve got to flow.

Do you know what to do when the Spirit says go? Or when it says slow down?

Pre-service prayer had just wrapped up, and everyone was making their way back to their seats. I walked to the platform with excitement & faith for what God was going to do in this service.

As the worship leader, I want to take my responsibility just as serious as I would expect the preacher to take theirs. It could be someone’s last service. Did I do all I could do to make it count?

Yes, that’s heavy.

But if we take a casual attitude towards the work of God, then we will get casual results. We see a principle throughout Scripture in our approach to the things of God. All of your heart. All of your soul. All of your might. All of your strength.

So, I want to give every service my best.

Now, let’s balance that out for a minute. God uses imperfect humanity. Sometimes we miss it. I know I have plenty of times. And there’s grace for that.

But it’s wrong to justify our lack of effort and preparation because we know that God extends grace. That’s dangerous territory that I don’t want to tread.

Okay… so, I walk to the platform, I hand my song list to the the piano player. The song list has up-tempo songs like Did You Come to Give the Lord the Praise? and Look What the Lord Has Done.

The musician looks down at the song list and begins to play. Sounds something like In the Presence of Jehovah.

I turn to the piano player:Do you realize that you are in control of what everyone is feeling?

What do you mean?

As the piano player, you are in control. You are creating the atmosphere with how you are playing. Is it in line with those songs?


Instructional moment. Lesson learned. Quick adjustment. And we were off.

Music is a powerful tool. God made it that way. It is an absolute honor to be chosen to help facilitate the move of God that He wants to have in our services.

But THAT is the key.

We MUST realize that we are responsible for how we use that powerful tool. We must be sensitive enough to know what God wants. And then we must be knowledgeable enough to know how to implement what we are feeling.

Enter dynamics. Oh yes, it’s one of my favorite topics when it comes to music. Dynamics are exactly what they sound like. They make the song dynamic! And oh how it ties to Spirit-directed services. They are likewise dynamic!

Here are a few tips that might help you know how to follow what you are feeling:

  1. If you’re feeling slow & worshipful, then simplify what you’re playing. If you’re directing choir, keep your hand movements small and close to your body. Vocalists should sing softer. Well, it’s hard to sing high and soft. Yes, it is. So practice that.
  2. Some people only have two volumes: loud and soft. And those same people only have two tempos: fast and slow. But there’s an entire spectrum of dynamics & tempos. Allow for variety in your services.
  3. When it’s time to move, move. Don’t let fear prevent you from following the leading of the Spirit. If it’s time to change songs, change. If the Spirit and the song requires emphasis on the vocals or on the keyboard, don’t hold back.
  4. Follow your playing with the vocals, whether worship leader, choir soloist, special singer… if they’re pushing, push with them! You can push a slow song without changing the tempo. You can increase your volume by how hard you play the keys and you can create a stronger feel by the rhythmic pattern you play.

Don’t forget this. There is a difference between creating a feeling that is orchestrated by our human will and allowing the Spirit to lead you. We want the Spirit to be in control, but we have to know HOW to work as the Spirit is leading.

We cannot justify our lack of learning and practicing by saying, I just use what the Lord gave me. He gives people many gifts. But He expects us to invest and increase those gifts.

That’s why you’re here… and I want to help!

In my experience with church musicians and especially keyboard players, a common missing piece to their musical knowledge is the area of rhythm. This is CRITICAL to several of my recommendations above.

As a result, I am going to be providing ongoing mini-lessons on rhythm over the next week. If you are a musician and you don’t know basic rhythmic concepts like time signature, measures, beat and note/rest values – please stay tuned!

This information will help you in your desire to be know how to effectively facilitate the move of God that you are feeling. It’s such a great feeling to know you were a help – we’ve all been there. I’m hopeful that these tools will help you find that place a little more often!